Friday, July 15, 2011

The Long Waited Prince

Since a child, i always believed, that you would come to me. As i grew older, your image transformed into something more realistic: You wouldn't come on a top of a steamy white horse, wearing an armour, or in fine clothes; your hair wouldn't be as bright as gold, and your eyes not as green as the grass at summer, or blue as the immensity of the ocean. My vision got older as i got older. I mistook you for the first time. Soon i end up realizing it wasn't you, even though i gave so much of myself to someone my heart was whispering: "It's not him!" I waited again. You came for the second time. Again not you. My heart was already whipping this time. That person not you, stole a lot of myself and in the end i was already giving up on the real you. I closed my heart for the third time. He was nice as a gentleman should be, but his eyes didn't shine the way i picture your eyes would. My heart didn't accept his love, even though he could be a prince to someone else's world. Not in my world. So i gave up the idea that you would even exist. The face i gave you when i was a little girl was already fading away. 

I wasn't a little girl any more, and the world i was living in didn't have space for Princes like as yourself. I wasn't looking for you any-more, or waiting. I gave myself to the adventurous of the world, and met a lot of 'wannabe princes', but still my heart was closed and you didn't exist in my eyes any-more. Than one not so special day, you finally entered in my life. You were nice and sweet, and my heart recognized your prince's heart immediately. I started to smile a lot and having thoughts of you that filled me instantly. The long wait to see you again were filled with this thoughts and i was already older enough to accept your imperfection in your perfection been. That's when i realized that if you had come sooner, i would had fail to see you. The life i had up till know, was just preparing your arrival and this time, i will make sure not to loose your sight again!

- Me

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