Monday, June 27, 2011

The Beginner

"There is no solution to this decaying been,
to high-rise on the winds.  
There is no solution to this decaying been, navigate the oceans and suck all the salt from it's depths.
This decaying been has to get to the bottom of the abyss, undress all his rough and worn skin, tear out his spy snake eater eyes; stagger his Sphinx body and dance to the silence and emptiness of the cosmos.
His tongue must curl up with the acidity and hardness of a diamond, suspended in the mouth of an angel-lion.

And than he has to implode like a dying star.
Breaking up like a silver apple; setting his body on fire until his soul, in high flames, screens and flees from himself, tie up in comet's tail.
He has to rip out his name as if it were written in a pro-fain book.
This decaying been has to go till the very end of everything. Look Death straight in it's eyes and then, with a smile, raise up, and stand tall, more beautiful and strong that the immensity of the universe.
He will be remembered as "The Beginner". 

- Me

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